Highlights for the upcoming season

The next ride is on Wednesday at 10AM.  Mike will lead a 20 mile ride from Furnace Brook Middle School in Marshfield.  The Hanson ride is on Sunday at 9AM.

Apr 30 – Crank the Kank; 1 day ride across much of the Kancamangus Highway

May 20 – Club Flat Century

June 3-4 – Berkshires Weekend

July 1 – Club 127 Mile Irish century

Please pay your dues by paypal.  Click on the link for Membership Information.  Membership allows you to attend all functions and rides. Access to our Facebook and Strava pages are restricted to members only.



The tradition continues

2017 snow pictureWe took our annual snow photograph, today.  Every year we take a picture to show the snow!  The snow was really high this year.  The roads were clear.  We had a temperature of approximately 35F.  So, sadly, the snow is melting.  Make sure you join our Strava group!  The link to the club page is off to the right.

Most did the 25 mile route from Hanson, today.  At Hanson we have a relatively flat route.  It takes approximately 1:30 to finish the route.  We went for coffee after the ride at the Dunkin’ Donuts.

We will ride next week on January 22.  We roll at 9AM, sharp.  We meet at the Shaw’s Supermarket plaza in Hanson (470 Liberty Street Hanson).



Hanson ride on Sunday !

We won’t have a worry about snow. Expect a high of 40F on Sunday with clear skies.
Plus, we might have a snow pile to use for another photograph.
Plan on 30 miles. We will also have a 25mi route(fully arrowed).
Be ready to roll at 9AM sharp. We meet at the Shaw’s Supermarket Plaza, Hanson, MA Use 470 Liberty St Hanson Ma in your GPS.
Click on the membership page to pay your dues by PayPal.  This method works best for the club.